Retirement Planning – IRA and Roth IRA

You probably have some money stashed away in a traditional IRA account. It is easily the most popular form of retirement savings around. But many people don’t understand the ins and outs of the IRA as a retirement savings instrument. While we like to help our clients leverage their “now” money to build on their…

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Retirement Planning – 403B/457 Plan

There are so many ways to plan for time freedom. If you are an educator or involved in non-profit work or local and state government work, there are a few attractive options beyond putting money in a standard IRA. A 403(b) plan is similar to a 401(k) but accessible especially to educators and workers in…

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Retirement Planning – SOLO 401K

In our wealth management practice, we emphasize using your “now” money to make smart financial decisions for today and for well into the future. We have even been known to make negative comments about financial instruments that make it hard to access your money before, say, age 59.5. It’s not that these instruments are bad…

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Retirement Planning –  SEP IRA

Our Uncommon approach to personal finance does not mean you should ignore the more traditional methods of saving for retirement. There is a place for that in your portfolio. One of the most common places to invest retirement dollars is the Individual Retirement Account – the IRA. The thing to know is that IRAs are…

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Retirement Planning – SIMPLE IRA 

Our Uncommon approach to personal finance does not mean you should ignore the more traditional methods of saving for retirement. There is a place for that in your portfolio. And if you are a business owner, you’ll want to provide your employees with incentives like retirement savings as part of the standard compensation package. One…

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Retirement Planning – Safe Harbor 401K 

Among the many plans, we help clients with, the safe harbor 401(k) is the most popular plan for small businesses. There are several reasons for this, including generous contribution limits and profit-sharing options. Let’s take a closer look at how the safe harbor 401(k) works. To achieve safe harbor status, a 401(k) plan needs to…

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Business Acquisition

Maybe you are a business owner already. That’s awesome. Owning a business is a source of so many avenues for building wealth. But have you ever thought about buying other businesses? If so, what kinds of businesses would you consider? When a company has excess cash reserves on hand, it is a great problem to…

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Does Your Business Offer a Retirement Plan?

How is your business set for funding your retirement plan and the retirement plans of your employees? This can be a solid benefit for employees, but what is the right instrument for your situation? We work with several IRA-based plans, including Payroll Deduction IRAs, SEP, and Simple IRAs. There are also 401(k) Safe-Harbor plans that…

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How to Best Leverage Your Primary Residence

Your personal residence is one of your best assets and one of the easiest to leverage in building wealth.  Your home is one of the easiest assets to lend against and can provide much-needed capital in the event of a growth opportunity. Hear us; we are not saying to take out debt just to take…

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The Uncommon Life Roadmap

We love helping people find their uncommon path – a path where they are doing the things God has gifted them to do, and ultimately achieving the time and money freedom to pursue that path, wherever it takes them. After working together with our clients for the past 7 years, sharing in their hopes and…

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Stepping into Retirement

The old adage is you have to crawl before you can walk and walk before you can run, so why do we not take our own advice? Retirement or what we like to call time freedom shouldn’t be an impossible chasm that we cross in one day as we quit our job. Remember Indiana Jones…

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You are your best asset


One of the questions that we ask all of our clients in our first meeting with them is, “What is your best asset?” We have heard a lot of answers, one of my favorite answers being, “My wife’s engagement ring.” Although that was a good answer, the answer we want to point you to is…

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