Uncommon Wealth Partners
Uncommon Wealth Partners
Justin Taylor

Keeping your financial and vocational goals in line with your faith – this is a very important aspect of living and working for many of us.

In this episode of the Uncommon Life Project podcast we talk with Justin Taylor about his career path, his work in the publishing world, and how his faith informs vocational and financial decisions.

Justin Taylor got his Doctorate from Southern Seminary. He serves as executive vice president of Book Publishing and Book Publisher at Crossway in Wheaton, Illinois. Prior to that he worked at Desiring God in Minneapolis. He and his wife, Leah, have five beautiful children. He has two blogs, Between Two Worlds and Evangelical History, both hosted by the Gospel Coalition.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

  • The role faith can play in vocational decision-making
  • Understanding your vocational gifts and strengths as you decide on a career path
  • How spiritual gifts and natural inclinations intersect
  • Establishing partnerships with people of integrity
  • How book royalties can be a great source of residual income
  • Understanding the three-legged stool of communication: message, messenger and audience
  • What it takes to be a compelling messenger
  • Learning your capacity to do or not do things – even things you enjoy and are good at – during different stages of life
  • Balancing the desire to succeed with other aspects of living a fulfilling life
  • Being authentic as a parent, spouse and in business

The Golden Nuggets:

“Some things that come easily and are more intuitive, I'd call that natural gifting. Then as people of faith, there is a spiritual component to that too, that the Holy Spirit works through us and guides us.” – Justin Taylor Share on X “98% of people who are writing books are not making their entire living that way. Royalties are a great source of residual income.” – Justin Taylor Share on X “What is the compelling message you have to share? That’s the first question to ask yourself as an author.” – Justin Taylor Share on X “Publishing is nothing like it was even 30 years ago. Literally anyone can publish a book. But is there an audience that needs this book? That’s the relevant question today.” – Justin Taylor Share on X “Seek input from others. We are not always the best judge of our own strengths and weaknesses.” – Justin Taylor Share on X “Sometimes the desire to succeed and to be ambitious can overwhelm other things in life.” – Justin Taylor Share on X “Being a Christian parent doesn’t mean being perfect. It means being authentic, confessing when you get things wrong, and doing your best to model a Christian life.” – Justin Taylor Share on X “Retirement is not about just coasting toward the end of life. Happiness in retirement is about continuing to make a meaningful contribution in the world.” – Justin Taylor Share on X “It’s important to keep in perspective – the wealthiest people in the world can often be more unsatisfied than people who have less material wealth, but are living aligned with their gifts and passion.” – Justin Taylor Share on X