Interview on Live From The Path

This week we’re featuring an interview that Phillip did with the fellas on the Live From The Path podcast. His interview starts around 21 minutes in and covers how a chance encounter at a doctor’s office led to the creation of Uncommon Wealth Partners, re-thinking retirement, and whether the uncommon path is only for mid-high income earners.
The Live From The Podcast podcast are just some guys who love Jesus and have a lot of fun talking about it. Apologetics, games, comedy (well, attempted comedy) and advice often make up the show. In this episode, in addition to Phillip’s interview, the fellas discuss the challenges of having a ton of digital ways for someone to communicate with you (and how to get it under control). Also, staying out of cesspools, even if everyone else is in them, plus a segment where they compare their advice, with Phillip’s help, to a secular advice-giver on some listener questions.
For more on Live From The Path, go to or email
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