Episode 40
8 Streams of Income with Phillip Ramsey and Bryan Dewhurst
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When most people think of income, they stop at earned income – the money you make in a paycheck from a job. We want people to think way beyond that in order to pay off debt, put a reserve of savings aside, and get your money to really work for you.
In our latest episode, we outline 8 unique streams of income. Big companies like Apple are earning money every minute. That might be a mind-bender but think about payday in your home. Does that happen once a month? Twice?
Imagine bringing money into your household every week. It has been said that an extra $500-$1000 a month would make an enormous difference for most families. It would truly be game-changing.
Listen in as we help you explore ways of doing just that.
What You Will Learn in this Episode:
- 7 ways beyond your paycheck that you can create streams of income
- The difference between passive and residual income
- How to create streams of income while you still have a day job
- How to leverage your money to create streams of income now instead of waiting for retirement
- Why you should look for ways to create streams of income based on your interests
- How to create scale on different streams of income
- How to think about ways you could gain income on weeks when you don’t get a paycheck