Uncommon Wealth Partners
Uncommon Wealth Partners
Business Evaluations

What is your business worth? It’s not only a relevant question if you were trying to sell your business, but it’s knowledge that can also help you effectively manage a business you want to stay in. Yet, 60% of businesses have never had their business valued. Patti Bell, a 30 year veteran of business evaluation with Principal Financial, is here to change that. 

In this episode we talk to Patti about when business owners should have an evaluation done and how often to refresh it. Also, how those results can influence key things like the structure of the business agreement as well as the types and levels of insurance needed to cover the true business value and attract talent in an increasingly competitive job market. Finally, we’ll cover the fundamentals like what business owners need to provide for the valuation (it’s simple stuff you already know or have on hand) and how this compares to a certified business evaluation. 

If you’re interested in having Patti and her team do a free evaluation of your business, you can work through your current advisor or contact phillip@uncommonwealth.com to see if Uncommon Wealth Partners are the right fit for you and your business.