The Blending
Often the most poignant pictures of grace are those that are present against the odds, the whole shining brighter than the wary and cautious shadows that sometimes color the individual parts. Blended families are such a grace, a beautiful picture of hope and new beginnings even with the realities of the past ever present. But as you would expect, or perhaps have experienced, the challenges of merging lives together is not a simple nor predictable one.
This week, we talked with Mike and Kim, coaches who specialize in helping struggling yet motivated couples navigate the complexities of blended or step-families, helping them gain clarity about the issues and lead their homes confidently using practical strategies so that they can experience greater connection and peace. We’ll learn about Mike and Kim’s own personal journey with a blended family and how they navigated what it looks like to love, parent, and grow in unity even when they don’t always agree. Plus, the importance of marriage to your financial well-being and how the strategies to successfully navigate blended family life aren’t all that different from those used for any family, which means everyone can benefit from this conversation!
You can find out more about Mike and Kim by visiting You can also check out their podcast, The Blended Family Coaching Show, on iTunes or any other fine purveyor of podcasts you may use.