Uncommon Wealth Partners
Uncommon Wealth Partners
Building a Business Where Predictability = Efficiency = Profit with Josh Dunwoody

Strategic planning and putting systems together isn’t the most exciting part of running a business for most of us. But these components are essential to building a thriving and profitable business. It’s got to be done, and when it’s done right, the rewards are huge, in time and emotional energy saved and in wealth built. What’s not exciting about that?

Our guest, Josh Dunwoody is an amazing person, and—fun fact—we’ve been each other’s clients. We helped him think through a plan to start his business, and he has helped us tremendously in ours. So this is a fun interview on so many levels. He’s talking with us about the direct through lines for building the right systems and processes directly to a business that is as profitable as it can be.

Josh is the owner and founder of Tactical Advantage Business Solutions. His work is focused on helping business owners and leaders create clarity from the chaos that often comes with owning and operating a business. His experience in strategic planning, holistic business development, and process development are derived from his work with organizations of all kinds and sizes. He holds a master’s degree in organizational leadership and when he is not working with business leaders, you might find him serving in the Iowa Army National Guard. Josh is also very active in his church, as a husband and dad, and with the Altoona Chamber of Commerce.

What You Will Learn in This Episode:

  • What it takes to move from a self-employed mindset to a business owner mindset
  • How to pay attention to what will make your business sellable when the time comes
  • How to kill the chaos in your business
  • How to make strategic planning sexy again
  • Why you have not set up systems and processes in your business and how to change that
  • Building scalable structures into your business from day one
  • How to flex systems and processes as needs and situations change
  • Building a business with a franchise mindset
“It’s heartbreaking when a person has invested decades and then can’t sell the business, because they didn’t invest in the processes, product, and potential for profit needed to show a business is worth buying.” – Josh Dunwoody Share on X “When a business owner feels they are always just putting out fires it's because they're not capturing the systems and the repeatable tasks they could be doing to minimize investment in those tasks and maximize their time in more creative tasks that… Share on X “Strategic planning doesn’t sound fun or sexy, but without it businesses waste a lot of time because they have four different processes to try and get the same result.” – Josh Dunwoody Share on X “There is a lot of cross pollination between my military work and my business work. And I lean into that. The military is one of the most structured and organized institutions in the world.” – Josh Dunwoody Share on X “People fail to put systems in place for lots of different reasons. Some just don’t like doing it, or don’t have the time. Others don’t even know they are missing it.” – Josh Dunwoody Share on X “A high level strategic plan doesn’t mean anything if it just sits on the shelf. I want to help people actually implement systems and processes that will grow their business.” – Josh Dunwoody Share on X “I see too many small businesses that think like small businesses instead of thinking about how to scale from day one.” – Josh Dunwoody Share on X “Process mapping helps identify the core functionality of your business. Are we delivering this in the best way possible, based on changing market conditions? Process mapping helps you do that in the most profitable way over time.” – Josh Dunwoody Share on X