Uncommon Wealth Partners
Uncommon Wealth Partners
Building a Scholarship System with Jocelyn Pearson

Getting through college without crushing debt may seem like an insurmountable task. But it does not have to be. What if you encouraged your child to spend their time applying for scholarships instead of mowing lawns, working at a fast-food joint, or babysitting? The payoff could be 10 fold or even more.

But how would that work? That’s what our guest, Jocelyn Pearson, is going to tell you. It’s pretty amazing. Instead of a summer job earning maybe $4,000 if they are lucky, imagine your kids spending that time learning life skills and getting through college debt-free, basically earning exponentially more per hour for their efforts. It is not impossible, and it’s got nothing to do with test scores.

Our guest, Jocelyn Pearson founded The Scholarship System to share her own experience of graduating from college debt-free. When college looked unaffordable for her, she sprang into action and secured over $126,000 in college scholarships, even receiving an overage check each semester for her expenses. It wasn’t an easy process. It took her years to figure out exactly what to do to be selected for these scholarships. Now, she helps families learn how they can do this themselves. By teaching her six-step system, she has helped families secure multiple millions in scholarships and it just keeps growing.

What You Will Learn in this Episode:

  • How to get through college without debt
  • Understanding the two sides of a debt-free degree
  • Why having a system is so important for avoiding college debt
  • How your kids can get debt-free education without sacrificing your financial future
  • The “4 Cs” to a debt-free degree
  • Why finding scholarships is just one piece of a debt-free degree strategy
  • How to think differently about earning for college
  • Common myths about who can qualify for scholarships
  • How to keep up the scholarship application process through college
“There are two sides to a debt-free degree. One side is getting the bill down as small as we can. The other side of that equation is finding debt-free money to pay for what's left.” – Jocelyn Pearson Share on X “Co-signing your children’s loans is not the answer. That debt becomes your debt and I’ve seen the negative consequences for parents and even grandparents.” – Jocelyn Pearson Share on X “Finding an affordable school doesn’t mean you have to attend a ‘lesser’ school. Follow the money. By understanding the way schools award aid, you might find more affordable schools than you imagined.” – Jocelyn Pearson Share on X “I kept having people ask me how I graduated debt-free and I realized I had created a step-by-step system I could share with others.” – Jocelyn Pearson Share on X “If you’re going to be spending time mowing lawns anyway, why not do something that pays back 10 fold or even 100 fold?” – Jocelyn Pearson Share on X “One of the biggest reasons students don't apply for scholarships is because they don't think that they can win. There are so many myths out there about who can qualify for a scholarship.” – Jocelyn Pearson Share on X “While you’re building a portfolio of scholarships you are also building life skills about discipline and how to sell yourself that will serve you the rest of your life.” – Jocelyn Pearson Share on X “You can actually get reimbursed from your school up to the cost of attendance (room, board, transportation, etc.) if your scholarships add up to more than the bill you owe the school.” – Jocelyn Pearson Share on X