What’s Keeping You Up at Night?

When people ask us what we do, we don’t really have a pat-answer elevator speech to give them. Phillip was recently approached at a party, and answered with the question: “What keeps you up at night?”
This episode of the Uncommon Life Podcast is all about that question. When we work with clients, we want to discover those financial questions – the concerns that gnaw at you and maybe even keep you up at night. Helping you move beyond those concerns is right in our wheelhouse, and it’s what we are digging into here in Episode 28.
Most of the time, people’s concerns boil down to: how can I pursue a dream I have now, without stealing from the money I will need in retirement? You’d be surprised at the creative solutions you might have right at your fingertips to answer that question. That’s really where we come in – to help you find those creative solutions.
So if your question is just, “how can I fund a Roth IRA?” we might not be the right fit for you. We can definitely help you with that, but our wheelhouse is really to take your uncommon goals and help you find uncommon ways to solve that equation so you can meet those goals.
What You Will Learn in this Episode:
- Why rate of return does not keep most people up at night
- The kinds of financial concerns that DO keep people up at night
- How exploring what you are passionate about can be the financially prudent thing to do
- Creative ways to finance your dreams today, rather than putting them off until retirement
- The mindset shift needed to give yourself permission to chase your dreams
- Why benefits alone shouldn’t be a barrier to escaping your cubicle prison
- Why taking the uncommon path can be the best decision to make